Računalništvo, telefonija
23.02.2010 15:58
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Transcend Upgrades 2.5-inch Solid State Drives with Tamper-Resistant Designs

Transcend Upgrades 2.5-inch Solid State Drives with Tamper-Resistant Designs
Transcend Upgrades 2.5-inch Solid State Drives with Tamper-Resistant Designs

Transcend Information, Inc. (Transcend ), a global leader in storage and multimedia products, today announced a radical redesign of its 2.5-inch solid state drives (SSD). The updated SSDs now offer a superior outer casing and additional tamper-resistant features, making them the most reliable and secure alternatives to conventional hard disk drives.

Designed to deliver the highest level of quality, the new versions of Transcend’s 2.5-inch SATA and IDE Solid State Drives provide customers with extra peace of mind, incorporating innovative tamper-resistant features, including an anti-counterfeit Transcend logo security hologram and tamper-evident seals. These new features assure the end-user receives a 100% genuine Transcend product that has never been tampered with or opened by unauthorized third parties or other customers, thus further guaranteeing the SSDs’ authenticity and quality.

Aside from counterfeit prevention, Transcend’s new SSDs feature a very simple, elegant design with a smooth polished high-gloss finish. To help differentiate between Transcend’s various SSD models, each product type has been given a unique decorative panel; Ultra Series SATA SSDs have intricate diamond pattern panels, while standard SATA SSD panels are pure black and IDE SSD front panels feature lively square patterns. Made of high-quality plastic material for improved appearance and lasting durability, the newly designed cases are lighter weight than the originals, making them perfect for thin and lightweight computers such as laptops and netbooks.

Like all Transcend’s SSDs, the updated versions provide instant access speeds, large storage capacity, high reliability, low power consumption and excellent shock resistance. With unbeatable performance and new tamper-resistant designs, Transcend’s 2.5-inch SATA and IDE solid state drives offer amazing benefits for virtually every type of computer, while at the same time assuring the utmost level of quality that only genuine Transcend products can deliver.

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